Aug 25, 2004 10:29
Soooooooo my evil parents decided to move us without warning. We are now living in Huntington Beach. Hayden, am I any closer to you nooow? What does this move mean? Well I have no cable television, telephone or computer. I'm like dfskdjhfkdfBOREDBOREDBORED when I sit at home. Thus the reason I might be glad that school started. Maybe. But, really. No computer makes Niki, :(
So yes, school started. It's...alriiiight. I have two classes with Meghan so that is a plus. I'm kinda all bouncy when I think about being in Sign Langauge 3. That's a big deal. After Sign 4, you get to start translating classes. So yes. That's good. I'm also in a tv/film class about women. It's really cool. We watch movies and tv in every class. One whole entire week will be dedicated to Lucille Ball. I'm so excited. I LOVE LUCY! YAY!
Ummm what else? OH! I miss everyone like whoa. LIKE WHOA. I get random texts from Lex, Hope or Hayden and they totally make my day. I feel so loved! *hinthint*9498743119 Seriously, life without the internet sucks ass. MMmmhmm.
I spent a butt load of money this week. I bought new clothes and a new purse. And today I'm going to go get a pedicure. Woohoo for me.
OMG BEFORE I FORGOT. They're still giving away BSB tickets to the Sept 12 show on the radio. WAS IT NOT CANCELLED? I'm so confuzzled. Someone please clear up this info for me. Kay? Thanks.
Wow can you tell I've already had caffine this morning? *bounces some more in the fun bouncy/squishy/rubbery desk chair. Maybe spins around a few times too. Wheeee!*
Um. I lost my train of thought. Meghan texted me and told me I have to break into her house and get her homework for her. She's a dork, but I luff her. Dude, I hope breaking into her house isn't as horrible as my last breaking in experience. *finds it funny that there's a cop in my step mom's office right now. Like 8 feet away. Bwuahaha. I'm a rebel*
*needs to stop with the astriks*
Okay I'm good.
Time to be a burgler and then go get my learning on. Yay for school?