(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 17:41

Um...hi LJ?
I haven't updated in ages, mostly coz I'm really busy with my job now.
I'm now in auditing so you probably know why. I'm so fucking busy, DOn't get off work till very late and hardly get weekends off. I GET TODAY OFF THOUGH! But working tmr. Yes thats a Sunday... And I don't get extra pay for this. Just that there are so many deadlines.

SO my point is... I don't think I will have time to update my LJ much anymore. I will be going to communities and commenting on ppl's post if I have time though. But I don't think I'm gonna update as much as before. If you haven't added me already on facebook, do so!! I am always on facebook though ( I go on at work occasionally) or you can add me on msn: urpaininthebutt@hotmail.com OR find me on youtube and soompi @ tartsmile :)

I hope everyone is well and BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! :D


p.s. I LOVE C.N. BLUE !!!! O and Hyunah's Change is so good too. heeh (trying very hard to update myself at the moment).

c.n. blue, hyunah, random, work

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