Overdose MSG = ALLERGY for me.

Aug 15, 2008 10:34

I think I had overdose MSG in my lunch yesterday...and then I got allergic to it. Thus now my gums and my lips are swollen. It's better today but it was seriously really shit during lunch. My gums were all numb and cheeks were boiling hot.

I'm so thankful that my face didn;t swollen up. Before going to bed last night, I was praying that I won't get a swollen face or something. And if I do, I'm not going to work. But yea anyway I'm at work now and my allergy still isn't getting much better...

So solution is, I'm going to have to see the docs when I get off work if the allergy doesn't get better / recover by end of today i.e. after work.

I can't believe I'm actually allergic to overdose of MSG. O_O. First thing ever I'm allergic to...

swollen gums, msg

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