Only partially insomnia-related.

Nov 04, 2007 03:35

I haven't slept right since that damned buckyball thing showed up out of nowhere and gave me visions of a future I'd rather not contemplate.

Y'know, they're right about the biggest horror being that which is the most plausible. I've been thinking about it constantly ever since.

What if I really did lose Babs to something so mundane as a car crash? Would I really be so wrapped up in my own grief that I'd not only take over her title, retire my own, and hole myself up in the Clocktower to the exclusion of all else? Including my own daughter?

...I think the scariest part of that is I can truly say, "It's possible."

I don't know what bothers me more - the mundanity of her death, or my own behavior in the five years after it'd happened.

I didn't even want to go outside, for crying out loud.


Someone needs to seriously smack me upside the head if I even think about pulling that shit. Note to self: Write Donna, Roy and Wally and give them latent permission. Even though they'd do it anyway. Just to be on the safe side.

I know Babs wouldn't want me to be miserable the rest of my life without her. I really haven't stopped to think if I could be with anyone else if she wasn't in my life at this point.

Not something I feel like contemplating on about 2 hours' sleep in the last 48.

Time to check on Mary and see if I can grab a few Z's.
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