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Dec 23, 2005 13:25

LJ Interests meme results

  1. camouflage:
    usually evolutionary process by which a creature becomes attuned to its environment in order to blend in with it and escape unwanted detection. used by predatory creatures or by prey escaping predators alike. See also guerilla strategy and subtle subversion.
  2. dialectic:
    thesis - antithesis - synthesis. creating new concepts by uniting two opposing concepts. reality is always riven by irresolvable conflict, no simple answers, no black and white.
  3. gaia theory:
    hypothesis that the ecosystem & living matter of the planet functions as a single macro-organism. to turn this into a metaphor, is the spread of human kind; the deforestation and desertification of the living tissue of the planet; the erection of concrete cancers; splitting open of atoms where bad stuff was safely locked away, causing all kinds of crap to come out to contaminate for hundreds of thousands of years; - in itself a cancer? are avian bird flu, sars, mrsa, ebola - the immune system of the planet desperately trying to fight off the cancer? 'He is a local juju man... a witch doctor. he belives the gods were awoken from their sleep by the men cutting down the trees, and the gods got angry. this... is their punishment...' enough sounding like a god-damn survivalist hippy. moving on to...
  4. hunter s thompson:
    1937 - 2005, political theorist, cultural commentator, doctor of journalism, seeker of The American Dream, godfather of gonzo. 'There he goes... one of God's own prototypes. Too weird to live, and too rare to die, a high-powered mutant of some kind not even considered for general production.'
  5. learning things:
    I miss university pretty badly. is an idyllic life, having all the time in the world for learning new stuff. wish I had appreciated it more, and wish I had more time for it now.
  6. philip k dick:
    1928 - 1982. sci-fi author & experimental theologist. continually explored through hypothetical thought the relationship between man, reality, and consciousness. VALIS, his semi-autobiographical masterwork, written in 12 days. A powerful work of visionary genius, or the ravings of a schizophrenic madman? both, of course.
  7. reductio ad absurdum:
    reduction to the absurd; demonstrating the invalidity of an argument by following it through logically until one arrives at an absurd conclusion. difficult to disagree with without coming across as ridiculous. see also subtle subversion
  8. sound ecology:
    the collection, taxonomy, anatomy and interaction between, omnipresent sound. John Cage was once shown round an anechoic chamber, (a room into which no sound is transmitted, and no reverberation is possible.) He entered the chamber expecting to hear silence, but as he wrote later, he "heard two sounds, one high and one low. When I described them to the engineer in charge, he informed me that the high one was my nervous system in operation, the low one my blood in circulation." Whatever the truth of these explanations, Cage had gone to a place where he expected there to be no sound, and yet there was some. "Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music."
  9. sunny sunday mornings:
    coming out of dark clubs on a summer's morning into bright, not a cloud in the sky, sunlight. a good time to be alive.
  10. trip-hop:
    term coined by Mixmag to describe influential mid-'90s uk musical trend, fusing elements of hip-hop, (sampling, breakbeat, musique concrete as narrative) with usually slow, dubby basslines; a vintage, fin-de-siecle through sampling scratchy jazz records; and liquid, etheral instrumentation. an example of meta-music - music about music. also sounds ace from a certain sensory perspective, as its name might suggest.

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