Jul 03, 2005 22:17
OMG best day ever!!Me...Lindsey...Morgan...Mattie all went to the beach. We walked down short sands...then we went ALL the way down to long sands!! I got a piggy back ride from my love morgan for a little bit of the way cause none of us wore sandles and we were walking on tar the whole way!!((My feet still hurt)) But girls arn't really friendly there...((York)) they gave use nasty looks and we didn't even do anything! But we went and we saw Eric and we talked to him for a little while...but we thought we were gonna get him in trouble so we left and walked along long sands and we thought we saw hot guys but then they ended up being WICKED ugly...we dared lindsey to go up and talk to them but then they turned around and we figured we wouldn't put her through that pain...lol...then we were going to go pool hopping but there was a guy sitting at the pool and he kept staring at us like we were going to go in his pool ((even though we were))but still...then I steped in GUM!!!! It was so gross...but we found this patch of tar that was still squishy and we kept stepping on it...lol...We finally got back to the beach and layed out for only like 15 minutes and i got burnt on my back...then we went to get ice cream...icies...and then we went in the arcade and we were taking pictures in one of those booths and me and lindsey went to go play a shooting game but morgan and mattie staied in the machine and they broke the machine...it was so funny...so we had to go out the back door...then we layed out and scooped some more...then in the car all of us were singing to the music and morgans mom was getting all mad...lol...then me and lindsey went to her house and got ready for Rock night and we met Eric and my cousin there...it was fun...lindsey fell like 7 times it was wicked funny...and everytime she needed help up...she couldn't get up she kept sliding on her butt...and Terry was hitting on my cousin and Eric so we went out and skated to go save them...lol...but thats about all that happend today!!
Eric <3