Title: Just the Rain
Author: Kagome
Challenge: #007: Rain
Characters/Pairings: Yuyavi
Notes: Um. I don’t know where this one came from, honestly. The odd depths of my mind, I suppose… Introducing the very odd pairing of Yuna (from the FLARE) and Miyavi, which is mine and Tali’s pairing at the RP. So… uh. This is her fault. Yes. Everything is always her fault. :P Answer to a
am_100 challenge, again~.
From his position by the window, Yuna watched the rain as it fell to the earth in beautiful silvery streams.
The sudden knock at his door startled him, and he felt his jaw drop when he opened the door to find Miyavi standing there, soaking wet. “Mi-chan?”
“I love you,” Miyavi said, grinning and brushing some of the wet hair out of his eyes.
Yuna’s eyes grew wide, and suddenly, he was outside and wet too, and holding onto Miyavi for dear life. He was also crying.
“YuYu-chan? Are you crying?” Miyavi sounded concerned.
“No, idiot. That’s just the rain.”