Apr 28, 2009 07:03
- 11:48 I am so glad to know that mayhem is not punishable by death. LONG LIVE MAYHEM! #
- 12:06 @ lylelanley your right wing extremist twitter user arrested by FBI: bit.ly/GuXsW One down, too many to go. #
- 12:16 I wish I could go home, have to stick around after class to practice appellate ad and do homework. Boo hiss, lawschool. #
- 12:17 Also, I put together an outfit AND put on lipstick today. Holy crap, I almost feel like myself again - despite lawschool's best efforts! #
- 12:17 @ wildrichlord aww but at least i get to hang out with you! #
- 12:18 @ kelissamunz yeah he's the top candidate for my Famous Judge Trading Cards I'm gonna make this summer. #
- 12:59 This is absolutely my theme song. Queen - Killer Queen. ♫ blip.fm/~530oy #
- 13:18 Self-care resolution: I'm going to put in a real effort to get my blog back up and running. bit.ly/NkACa #
- 14:13 Finally tank top weather in Seattle! I love the excuse to look cute! #
- 18:39 Just came back from the grocery store... my tooth hurts worse today and I dunno how I'm going to get my reading done :( #
- 18:41 @ legalcookie @shinyspecialone well... when a mommy lawyer loves a daddy lawyer, they share a special kind of hug... #
- 18:53 @ lylelanley @shinyspecialone and me! #
- 20:03 @ no634 HOLY SHIT I am so glad you are okay!!!! Be careful man! #
- 20:20 I'm very upset that I'm falling behind in my reading because of this damn tooth. Stress on top of stress plus depression = sad law student. #
- 21:04 The State Dept. website is officially the most useless thing in the world, next to my Comparative Law class. I hate school right now! #
- 21:10 This Comparative Law assignment is making me want to gouge my eyes out with a frozen reese's cup. Yes you heard me right. HATE WORLD. #
- 21:11 @ shinyspecialone More or less. On the usefulness scale it's just a little bit above my Comparative Law class. #
- 21:16 @ legalcookie *sigh* it's already gone. i guess it's like, phantom tooth pain now. or perhaps the massive incision. who knows? #
- 21:17 Seriously this is THE most demeaning assignment I've had since high school."Find a book from 2004 on Int'l Family Law. What is the title?" #
- 21:18 Funny, I thought I was attending a prestigious law school. Work like this makes me wish I'd taken one of my DC acceptances. *grumble* #
- 21:23 @ legalcookie I'm still kicking myself for turning down an opportunity to be your classmate... but that's comforting ;) #
- 21:39 Hey I found the ridiculous Israel-Alaska parental abduction case! Apparently I don't suck at Westlaw as much as I thought I did! Win! #
- 23:19 Going to lie down and watch Fringe, I've done plenty of work for tonight. Sleep generally wins out. #
- 23:20 @ shinyspecialone :( boys so aren't worth the energy. i hope it gets better! #
- 23:21 A pretty song to end the day, this one goes out to @shinyspecialone. The Elected - It Was Love. ♫ blip.fm/~549cj #
- 23:28 Shorter crim law: "All ur bails of woad is belong to us!" #lawschool #
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