You Came Und0ne = me
daerday666: you know what hurts...
daerday666: me trackign you to your house and killing you
You Came Und0ne: that would be fun, now wouldn't it?
daerday666: look you piss ant i will crush you under my boot
You Came Und0ne: Piss ant, you say?
daerday666: how am i an idiot im wondering? people call other people names cuz their own self doubt.
daerday666: that must make you a big idiot if you ask me
You Came Und0ne: alas, i am not threatening to kill you in an IM box.
daerday666: no i just dont like assholes that like insulting other people
daerday666: your nothing more than a perp and a prep is like dog shit belongs under my boot to be sraped off with a stick
daerday666: *scraped
You Came Und0ne: i did attend prep school, yes.
You Came Und0ne: where are you going with that?
daerday666: well a prep isnt someone who has nice things they preps are people who think highly of themselves.
daerday666: and well thinking everyone is an idiot and not you is one sure sign to me your one of them preps
You Came Und0ne: a 'prep' is someone who attends 'prep school', wanker.
daerday666: um no a prep school stand for perperation school for college any highschool can be that
You Came Und0ne: Preperatory, love. are you saying i'm well educated? that's what it means.
daerday666: well i guess you can say that for not knowing what the second def. of a prep is
You Came Und0ne: i don't live in america.
daerday666: hahaha sure... let me guess your goign to lie about next you live in some 3rd wrold country making nike shoes for americans too?
You Came Und0ne: actually, i live in australia. i don't believe many residents of third world countries making 'nike shoes for americans' have AIM.
You Came Und0ne: - the '
daerday666: well mate you knwo what your country use to be in the 1800s
daerday666: a huge brittish prison
You Came Und0ne: i'm aware of the history of my country, thank you.
daerday666: well im sure an out back like you would know that you dont fuck with other people mate
daerday666: *out backer
You Came Und0ne: i fuck with whoever i please.
daerday666: try fucking with me buddy i would like to see
daerday666: i liek to see your pail face and think glasses and your tooth pick arms fight someone like me
daerday666: *like
You Came Und0ne: that would be difficult, considering your current location.
daerday666: *thick
daerday666: i travel im a musician
daerday666: im going to new zeland next week
You Came Und0ne: my face is rather 'pail', and i do have reading glasses, and i am a bit thin, however, i'm sure it wouldn't take much to, well, hurt you. if you were, you could spell it.
daerday666: ill let you barrow one of my swords in a sowrd fight
daerday666: i hope you can swing a 95 pound sword with both hands as well as i can
daerday666: if not ill give you a nija sword
You Came Und0ne: you need to perfect your lying skills, my dear.
daerday666: 48 inch katania good for you
daerday666: you know what swords i play with scottish claymore's they are big heavey and really strong
You Came Und0ne: i take it you're into martial arts, then?
daerday666: yes
daerday666: but i dont fght enless hit frist
You Came Und0ne: what discipline?
daerday666: well see cuz if i attack with out being attacked at first then i would break a big rule for my dojo
You Came Und0ne: i asked you what discipline you are educated in.
daerday666: i teach people to defend others when in need. also to stand up foryourself when needed never swing first and if you have to fight make it last resort
daerday666: other than that tant
daerday666: if people start with you
daerday666: if you really want a fight
You Came Und0ne: so you have no official discipline? no true art form? you just pretend to be educated?
You Came Und0ne: you've never had an instructor?
daerday666: lets see here dude i just came on to scare the crap out of you yes im a musician only known in america.
daerday666: i know all the reasons why not to fight i know the history of martal arts but im not into it as much as you think
You Came Und0ne: my sister lives in america, perhaps she's heard of you?
You Came Und0ne: well, darling, i'm a second degree black belt in tae kwon do, i also teach classes, and i can tell bullshit when i see it.
daerday666: well im sorry if i do judo
daerday666: and ti chi
You Came Und0ne: thai, love. thai.
daerday666: i liek to meditate more than anything
daerday666: *like
You Came Und0ne: meditating won't get you too far in 'scaring me'.
daerday666: well look buddy im not really no rabafied dude that will rip you a new one and yes i know how to fight in 3 different styles but my true morals in fighting is nothing of what i said
daerday666: fighting is never used of offend
daerday666: on use fight as a last resort to defend yourself and others
daerday666: keep in mind that when you do marshal arts you dont need to punch to fight or win
daerday666: walking away is winning the fight as well even if the person insults you
daerday666: sticks and stones come from china and t is littarle too
You Came Und0ne: martial. i'm well aware, i've got plenty of self discipline.
daerday666: and yes meditation is an important thing in it too so you can know yourself and by intune with self powers
daerday666: liek the move dragon fist. or, ha` duk ken known in japanese takes alot of meditation to pull off
daerday666: *like
daerday666: i hate this key board
You Came Und0ne: don't talk about all of this like you expect i haven't heard it before.
daerday666: well some marshal artist dont think yopu can spit pure enrgey out of your fists
daerday666: or hand
daerday666: most of them here in the us think so too
You Came Und0ne: MARTIAL. it's the same around the world, darling. despite what you think, america is one of the most violent countries on the planet, maybe not in martial arts, but in other ways.
daerday666: yes i know america sucks. but last dojo i was in to pratice ha duk ken thought i was nuts and belong in a phyc ward
You Came Und0ne: what, do you have 'hidden anger'?
* and then i got kicked off. pity.