NJCON Post Round 4

Aug 08, 2012 07:16

Since I'm bored, and am seemingly not getting any writing accomplished, I'd figure I'd go ahead and do my little write up from NJCON this past weekend.

So this was my fourth Supernatural convention, and unlike the other ones I honestly wasn't excited going into this, which maybe was due to the complete BLAH feeling season 7 gave me for the most part, or maybe it was just other stuff going on in my life, probably a combo of those two really, but regardless of that, I had a blast!

Now I said I was going to do this one as 'cheap as possible' since next year Jensen is there and I know I'll be spending for that. However I ended up having to pay the full amount for the hotel which was 300, and then until I bought my other stuff I had still spent over 600 dollars. And that was only counting general admission, 2 photo ops, and an autograph. SIGH. Creation prices suck.

I won't touch on what was said at panels, as you can youtube them, go back and read tweets, etc. I will say that if you ever go to a Supernatural convention GO TO THE KARAOKE. It is amazingly fun, and Richard Speight Jr and Matt Cohen should probably just go ahead and start their own karaoke business because they are fabulous at hosting. Julie McNiven (Anna) and Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) also joined the karaoke party. That went on until like 3 in the morning-ish. So much fun, and SO MANY PEOPLE.

Saturday was Matt Cohen day..Matturday! I lovelovelove Matt Cohen. He had a panel with Richard Speight Jr and it was hilarious. It turned into the complete mocking of 50 Shades of Grey with Matt re-enacting a scene as Richard read from the book. Look it up on youtube! Their whole panel was hilarious, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Honestly, that panel alone was well worth the admission alone.

I'm going backwards because I think Jim Beaver was actually the first panel of the day. He is a great story teller, and he's very good at kind of deflecting the weird or random questions and working them into something that's relevant/interesting.

The other panel for the day was Mark Shepperd, Mark Pellegrino and Sebastian Roche, in which we pretty much learned nothing because Sebastian is an overgrown child and never stops talking/making sexual innuendos/etc. I think he's hilarious personally, but I definitely understand why I've heard some people are put off by his personality. He comes on very strong, ha. Also I never realized how truly good looking Mark Pellegrino is, he walked by me while I was waiting for my Matt photo op and said hi, I think I said "EEP" in return. But yeah. Very tall. Very attractive.

As for Matt photo op..I originally was going to come up with a silly pose, like I did last year, but then because there was SO many people at the convention I felt overwhelmed and my anxiety was kind of kicking me around, so I scratched that idea and just wanted to ask for a hug. All in line I was like just ask for a hug, just ask for a hug, then I get up to him, he smiles at me, and I don't ask for a hug haha Mentally berated myself all the way back to the hotel room, and then some.

I had an auto with him though, and after waiting..3-ish hours? I finally got up to him. I had baked him cookies, since I know he has a sweet tooth and since he did something completely awesome for me last year it was kind of my official token of thanks. When I got up to him he signed my picture and I put the cookies on the table and told him I baked him these. His eyes got so big, he literally jumped up from his chair and said "I FUCKING LOVE YOU" then proceeded to come engulf me in THE biggest hug.

He then said that I didn't know how bad he needed them right now, and said he was going to eat them right now. So he took off the lid and bit into one and moaned (haha mmyeah) and went on and on about how soft and delicious they were. Then he asked Pellegrino if he wanted a cookie and Mark was like "Do I want a cookie? Hell yeah I want a cookie" He tried one and told me it was absolutely incredible, and then he offered one to Sebastian and Sebastian said "Wow, it really is incredible" and Matt said that his fans love him more since he gets awesome things like this, haha.

Matt also asked his volunteer if she wanted one and she acted hesitant and Matt was like "Come on! The fans don't poison us, they love us!" So she tried one and told me how great they are. Matt seriously went on forever thanking me for them. He said he could sign autographs two more hours because of it. Then he also said I am an "cookie baking angel goddess" and gave me another hug.

And then I went back to my hotel room and died a little. There aren't enough words for the adoration I have for Matt. He is the sweetest and I just love him to bits and pieces.

Sunday was Jared and Misha day! It's disappointing that they didn't have individual panels, and then the actual panel didn't start until 3 in the afternoon, which is weird. The other 3 cons I've been to Sunday was always the busiest day..very strange. And quite stupid really.

When we got to the ballroom, it was packed. There literally weren't any empty seats, which is something Creation always blabs about..how they never overbook and there's always a seat. Lies. We had to go get chairs and create our own row.

Yeah..I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like with Jensen there next year..

Misha and Jared's panel was hilarious. They have great chemistry together and play off each other well. The panel goes by so fast that I wish people wouldn't waste time with certain questions, IE the person who asked if Jared could tweet her friend. Sure, it's a nice gesture but that puts Jared in a really awkward spot, and you could TELL that it was uncomfortable to him, because if he says YES to one person then it opens the flood gates to more things like that happening.

So yeah, that was that. Because Creation sucks at scheduling, the room still had lines of people waiting for Jared's auto while Richard was having a panel, and then Misha's photo ops started while he was having his panel, so I had to leave and had to miss half of his panel, which sucks because he's a lot of fun to listen to.

The Misha photo op line stretched from one end of the hotel to the other and if you want any idea of how fast photo op lines move, I was towards the end of that line and I was through it in about 45 minutes. I DID get my Misha hug. He is gorgeous. Smells great. Great hugs. And he winked at me. Or maybe he had something in his eye. Either way, I don't give a shit about technicalities because MISHA.

Misha photo ops weren't ready by the end of the day since his never happened until 630, so I have to wait to find out how stupid I look in it. I did however get my Matt Cohen picture back so I at least know exactly how stupid I look in that..hoorah

Also I slept about 2 hours the entire trip so yeah..I took a lot of pictures of random things while there was downtime/people were sleeping early in the morning.

I was watching baby ducks down here :)

Okay whatever, I'm done now. Next convention is May 3rd-5th which I will be attending because JENSEN FREAKING ACKLES is going to be there, so that's in less than ten months which means I need to start saving money, STAT.


If you actually read any of this, I'm sorry. And if you actually read the whole thing then I am REALLY sorry.

matt cohen is my favorite, misha misha misha, njcon

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