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Mar 20, 2011 22:01

I had a great birthday celebration last week. In fact, i wasnt home alot nor sleeping alot the few days leading to the actual day.

It was an awful to awesome week.

Mon & Tues - Was sick. Lost my voice, remember?

Wed & Thurs - Classes at night.

Fri - Where the fun began! Dinner and sing songs with the animals! I sang abit coz i was still recovering my voice. And I was so tired I couldnt last any longer that i fell asleep in the ktv room! I think penguin caught me doze off haha! All the way till wee hours.

Sat - Up and early for morning class. Came home, catch a bit of sleep before going out shopping and then dinner and chilled with my fave girls. Lots of crazy ideas and laughters! I like!! But I think we are getting older. We came back around midnight lol

Sun - The day i was looking forward to for almost 3 months! R.A.W booked me this day during christmas! We went to USS!!! Weeee!! It was a great day! We had express tickets from majesty's cousin! Weeee! Many happenings! Like, i went on a scary ride so scary that i didnt have the time to feel scared. Like, peari being freaked out by the safest ride that turned out to be her worst and scariest ride hahahaha! Like, we wanted to get wet (the 2nd time) and get out. The most unfortunate person was smelly. It was either karma or suayness! Heehee!! The night ended with a surprise photo frame they gave me and a dinner!

Mon - The actual day! I knew there would be smses and notifications on my phone. So i kept my phone silent and disabled all notifications just so i could get a nice long sleep till the afternoon. And i did! heehee! Happily slack my day away. I like! It was indeed a happy birthday! :)

Okies, done with birthday reports :)

Went ECP yesterday after work for company's event. Was there coz i promised to participate in an event. Seriously not out to win. We werent competitive. And gosh.. It was either my perspiration or the 3 bouts of rain.. I was in a total mess after that. Everything on me was wet. Tsk tsk..! We shuttled between the tent and the sand a few times. Its like, "ok lets go.. Rain is here, lets run back." Repeat. Rain was very heavy.. We had to ask our boss to drive us out when we left. He drove the wrong direction and we ended up near my ah mah's house which is near my optician's place and so i brought my colleagues there! We were just talking about it the other day if we ever happened to pass by there or be near there, i will wanna go make a new pair of specs. And so i did! heehee! I think the optician gave me some discount as "intro fees" for bringing my colleagues there. They were saying its cheap. Heeheehee!

Dead tired when i came back. I went to bed at 10+pm!! When was the last time i did that?!
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