Jun 13, 2005 15:37
Well, I just spent about half an hour updating my journal. I went to type in what I was listening to, and it disappeared into thin air. Poof!
• Full Sail - Went to Full Sail on 04/10. It ended up making me quite sad. Toured the two main buildings which I will never have the pleasure of learning in. The school is very pretty; it has mirrored glass on the front and is surrounded by trees. The tour took us across the street to Full Sail Live. Oh, they have such pretty toys! I'm ever so jealous. Now I just need to scrape up $40,000 by next year so I can go. It seems that the Bright Futures Scholarship will give me somewhere around 6 grand. Mind you, that is for a 100% scholarship. I like their math too. (FS is deemed a "Private 4-year University" so I will get 100 percent of a comperable public education. Funny thing is, in two semesters, I will have completed about 2.8 years of standard college learning while only getting funding for 1 year.)
• MSI - On 04/22, I went to a concert. SMB, Crossbreed, and Mindless Self Indulgence were playing. Assemblage 23 was in the Infinity Room. Got there at 6, doors opened at 7. The venue kept announcing that the show had sold out (my first sold out show at the Masquerade), so people kept running up and down the line asking anyone and everyone if they had an extra ticket. The venue called the will call people up front (me), so I got to skip the big line. When I was walking up to the front, one of the Assemblage-line kids got up on a bench and yelled "I've got a ticket for MSI! Come up to the front if you want it!" I don't think anyone believed him. Ended up getting near the front (only behind one row of people). Turned out the girl in the front was quite anal though. She wanted a giant personal bubble. Every time the crowd would move, launching me into her because--you guessed it--she wouldn't let me put my hand on the barricade to steady myself, she would get mad, and push me backward with her butt. How charming. Ended up getting my hand there during Crossbreed's set (her friend was nicer), and being the nice person that I am, I tried my best to protect them from the crowd. Ok, back on track. SMB was up first. So fun. I was a little disappointed with their set though. The vocals seemed too muted, and the guitar seemed too loud at points. Still a great show, and I want them to come back! Crossbreed was up next. They had undergone yet another lineup change since I saw them last. That show was just a little too painful to enjoy. Not that many people were supporting the crowdsurfers, and let's face it, I'm a weakling. I was having trouble supporting the volume of people going through, some ended up hurting my neck when they rolled on to/off of me. One of them even stuck their hand in my eye and ripped out my contact. Bye bye vision! They had two grinders on stage this time, instead of just one. Sparks actually flew into the crowd, and I got hit--guess where--in the eye! (Okay, eyelid, but it was very close.) There was a pause, and then MSI went on. [during the intermission... everyone remember "butt girl"? Well, she ended up fainting. On me. She was a heavy one. Guess who helped me support her? No one! Someone helped me lift her up to the security guard so we could get her out though. She got to stay up front, despite the protesting of one of the security guys. Girls, ugh. But, one good thing came out of all of that: front row, baby!] That was fun. Got some good videos. Ended up spending a lot of money on merch. Bought an SMB shirt (that I can actually wear in public places), an MSI shirt, hoodie, and a vinyl. Was going to talk to some of the people from bands, and watch a bit of Assemblage's set, but I didn't feel too well and my eye was burning like crazy.
• VNV - On 05/07, I went to a concert with Dragana. We went shopping before hand. Shops in Ybor make me feel poor. Oh! While we were hunting for homeless people to feed, we came across this dead bird on the sidewalk and took pictures of it. (Thought I'd share.) We got to Ybor early, so we were front and center for the show. Soman went on first. That guy was a tad frightening--he was just so happy. The music was way too loud for my liking. Imperative reaction was on next. The singer had pretty hair. Bought one of their CDs. They sound a lot better live; the CD seemed too over produced. Then came VNV Nation. Second time seeing them this year. Had more fun than I was expecting (which wasn't much). Took a lot of video, and some pictures. Must remember to burn them to CD. Oh, just remembered: at the show, we were in front, not moving too much, but having fun, and Ronan comes up to the front, looks at me, points, and wiggles in a, as Dragana put it, "You! Dance, Now!" move. (There were a lot of commas in that sentence.)
• SAT - On 05/28, I took the SAT test on two hours of sleep. Saw a friend from elementary school--she was sitting right behind me. Not much else to report.
• Grad party - A few hours after the SAT test, I went to a friend's graduation party. Ended up spending the night, and then going sailing with them the next day. I got to drive a 36' sailboat. Yay. Got a pretty bad sunburn from that, which I still have. I'm scaly like a dragon. Grr, feel my wrath!
• ACT - On 06/04, I took the ACT test. Met up with Ginny, Anna, and Ellen in line. Anna and I decided that we needed to do something. That was about it.
•Yester...Friday - Got my report card in the mail. Same grades as before. GPA went up though. I now have a 4.28, go me!
• Today - Went to the dentist. (Yeah, I know. "'Dentist,' what's so fun about that?" Well, it turns out that I only have three wisdom teeth. I'm defective! Oh, and it seems that I have less than average amounts of enamel on my teeth--why didn't they figure this out earlier?
• Also today - Saw a family friend whom I hadn't seen in a while. They just kind of disappeared after Charley destroyed their house. Turns out they lost our phone number. Glad they're doing all right.
• Some day, don't remember when - My computer is being all funky, and whenever I open a window, the font is in about a 20 point size. Help.
P.S. Congrats if you read all of that!