the last couple of weeks have consisted of duncan and i living out of each others pockets, getting drunk and falling asleep at 8pm watching tv. i dont think i've ever been so addicted to somebody since i've met him. i'm addicted to everything he says and does. yes, everything down to him knowing the answer to every question on temptation to the way he drives his car. so silly i know... but hey! i really like it that way.
the last week has kinda been busy... duncan's grandpa passed away last saturday and the funeral was on the wednesday. he was planning to go see eighteen visions that night but went anyways... i met up with him after the show and to my surprise (sarcasm) he was blind drunk. then on thursday we went and saw shai hulud and again the funky dunky drunk himself stupid. saturday night we went to a party and he got so drunk somehow somebody ripped off his underwear and set them on fire. this i dont mind but when he drinks... he drinks so much that he cant move the next day and that his liver practically pertrudes out of his skin. even his skin smells of alchohol days afterwards!!! i feel like a fucking worrying mother.
study hasn't been that exciting... except for my animations class. i've come across a great visual communication and graphic design course which i'll be applying for this year. hopefully i'll have some more stuff to add to my portfollio soon!!!
hope everyone is doing well~ ♥♥♥