It's been 15 weeks since my last update. Epic fail. :S
I was going to write something about real life but maybe i'll do it later. Anyway, everything's going great and I really enjoy life in Glasgow. :)
I think I'm going through some weird phase because I've spent the last couple days listening to N*Sync. But seriously, Justin Timberlake in
this video is awesomeness. :'DD Oh how I miss the 90s.
And what else.. I've been a really lowsy fangirl this year and pretty much I've only been following John Barrowman. Just checked his website to plan how many times I can see him next year. His tour starts in May and he's coming to Glasgow so I'm booking ticket(s) when I go back and find out if I have to go alone. :D And then I found out that he's doing the Robin Hood panto in Cardiff next year! ASDF. That's perfect because I've been planning going to Wales next spring. :) And of course what I could do is to go to Cardiff when his concert's held so I could see it again but that might be a bit expensive... We'll see. x) I'm hoping that there would some kind of promo stuff with Torchwood as well but it sucks that I'm in Glasgow now which is like.. what, 800 kms from Cardiff? It was awesome to live so close to Cardiff last year.
I've started watching Leverage (Christian Kane! ♥) and it's quite good. I wasn't expecting much but I think it might actually survive to a second series. I hope.