Feb 27, 2007 20:18
well well things up to date not living with the parents awesome just not when I'm sick which I am right now. I went home today my mom knows just the right stuff to make me sleep. sooo my roommate is pregnant not sure who the daddy is. her bf right now she told him it was his but doesn't know I dont think it is his and she still hasn't finalized her divorce with her husband yet she is going fucking postal on me at times so I've slowly been viewing my options I'm not the main person on the lease. I could be a complete bitch and just leave but I can't do that to anyone even if I can't stand them right now. I have two options of what I want to do. Move to Davenport and live with ashley and work there. Or move in with my brother who has his own house and its big and stay where I'm working now. I dunno my parents are all for what I choose cause in a year they going to help me pay rent else where. I haven't really had anyone over in a long time seeing as allie gets mad even after I have asked her if its alright but its okay when she brings her bf over to stay the night and I end up having to be in my bed room all night. and I'm on the phone with her right now she is going to pick him up bahh I'm going to have people over tonight then too I dont work till 3 tomorrow. oh yeah I work 55 hours a week if not more sometimes lowest is 45 I get burnt out! getting new piercing and new tattoo