Jan 11, 2009 19:28
I just have to say once and for all that I HATE P.E.T.A.! I'm all for animal rights, don't get me wrong, I just think it's stupid to do things like ask a school to change it's name from Spearfish High School to Sea Kitten High School because 'sea kitten' more accurately describes the spearfish's attitude. Who freaking cares?! People have been naming schools and sports teams after animals for YEARS, it's SUPPOSED to make them sound more tough than the other guys. Can you even imagine going up against the South Dakota Sea Kittens for the state championships? It's just ridiculous. Or how about trying to get ice cream companies to use milk from WOMEN instead of cows. Cows, for one, make a lot more milk than women do, using it would not only change the taste of the ice cream, production would be so limited and that it would hardly be worth doing. Nothing makes a human feel better than being used as an animal, which, by the way, are designed for it.
Or how about making a man's death by beheading, who was cannibalized, relate to the slaughter of animals? That's ludicrous to even compare the life of a human with that of an animal.
Yes, I do believe that all life has value, and every living thing has a part to play in this world, but some things just taste so damn good. The leader of P.E.T.A. uses INSULIN which is still made from eggs, after saying she's a devout vegan. Her reason? 'I need my life, so I can save theirs.' Lame. And what if P.E.T.A. got their way, hm? Not only would everyone not eat anything that comes from an animal, goodbye my favourite sources of protein, there would be no pets or even service animals, AT ALL. That means that every seeing-eye dog, or assistance dog, cat, horse, whatever would be released. Including the police dogs that help take down dumbasses with GUNS who would otherwise have shot a HUMAN. Every hamster you see in the pet store, every domesticated cat, dog, rat, bird, what have you would be released into the wild to fend for itself. Well guess what? THEY CAN'T! That's what domestication does to animals, it breeds out most of their instincts and replaces them with a dependence on us to take care of them, and I love it. Most cats wouldn't survive out in the wild because unless they're taught by their mother to hunt, THEY DON'T KNOW HOW. It's a learned skill, not an instinct. Yes, they'll chase lasers, or try to get the fish from the tank, but they couldn't hunt and kill enough to survive, let alone thrive.
Dogs are close to the same. They need us to provide their food for them. Yes, they will/can form packs with each other and hunt that way, but have you -looked- at those dogs? Covered in fleas and ticks, probably carrying worms, and other diseases. Usually aggressive.
And what about disease? Without us taking care of the domesticated animals they would be running around getting wonderful diseases like rabies, feline leukemia, feline herpes, feline aids, cancer, kidney failure, or, at best, an UTI. Dogs have nice things like rabies, cancer, leptosporosis, giardia, chlymidia, and not to mention how many animals get, or are born with worms. It may not seem like a big deal, but kittens and puppies, or even adults with worms is awful, the worms eat all their nutrition they get from eating so the animal gets very little if any, and give them a distinct distended belly and the animal usually ends up dying from malnutrition without treatment.
They need vaccinations, they need shelter and food, they need to be fixed to not only help in the 'pet' overpopulation, but also to decrease their chances of mammary, ovarian, or testicular cancers.
Yes, animals have worth, but they shouldn't be put above the needs of people. I agree with them that say the animals who are usually kept for slaughter are in deplorable conditions. Free-range everything is much better not only for us because they weren't given corn, which really isn't good for anybody, or chemicals that could POTENTIALLY be passed to us, but it makes me feel better to know that the lovely steak I'm enjoying came from a cow who had a happy life on a ranch or farm and got to run with his buddies and eat healthful food that made him strong naturally.
Not to mention the thousands of animals (over 19,000) that they killed in 9 years by euthanization. A lot of which were handed over to P.E.T.A. by loving owners who were convinced that the pets were going to a better place, but were euthanized before the truck even pulled away from the house. Perfectly healthy, good tempered animals who were, in essence, slaughtered.
This country gave us free speech, and we have the right to voice our opinions about everything and anything, but please, don't just be jackasses. THINK about what you're saying before you say it. THINK about how what you say and how you say it is going to reflect back on your entire organization.