By order of mewgoesthecat, I am X-posting this picture here as well. More work to be done on it yet, but as mentioned, the community is in sore need of posts (and I'm a feedback slut, in any case).
I'm extremely easy to worship. All I require is one hot chai latte a week, a nice loaf of Panera's sourdough bread, and the occasional bunch of flowers. ^.~ We'll discuss your soul later. *snerk*
Glad you like it! I'm rather fond of the freckles myself. They came out pretty well. God bless blending modes, I say.
Of course, it also helps to have such a luscious subject to work with. *drools*
Hot chai latta, Panera's sourdough bread, and flowers. Consider it done. Although there may be some haggling involved if you really need me to get my soul back from the devil for you... I'd say he's grown rather attatched to it...
Mm, the freckles really impress me, for some reason. And the eyes. But, as you say, that might just be the pretty radiating out of him...
Hmm... Well, I suppose I can do without the soul part. I really just eat them on toast with my Saturday tea. I'll just get another slice of my friend's, no worries, mate
( ... )
Ah, see, my colour-blindness prevents me from finding fault with the green/gold continuum. But now that you've pointed it out, I'm going to stare at it blankly for a while and try to see what you mean. You could've left me at completely obssessed, but now I'm driven to identify fault in your work. You are a very silly heathen god, I must say... which makes you no less awesome, mind...
Indeed, the film is full of pretty. Methinks that was part of the point of the film. Such an array of sexy men were meant to be publicly displayed for us to drool over! That is their purpose!
Ah, and arigato! Alucard (and Hellsing as a whole, really) = my antidrug. And young Walter... wow.
Oh, continue being completely obsessed, by all means! Once I get my computer and Photoshop back, I shall finish reworking the picture to my satisfaction. One hopes that it shall only get prettier. I do LOVE those golden eyes, but realistically... Of course, if they're hazel, that is a shade that they can turn, so I can just not touch them at all, if you like them as they are. Suits me, I'm easy
( ... )
You know, I think I'll do just that and keep on obsessing over the pretty. Methinks you ought to leave this one alone and just do a completely different one where you can get picky about the eyes being exactly perfect. That's what I'd recommend, anyway.
The possibility of Jack/Tom/Stephen rather strangely had never before occured to me. Wow, now I have yet another reason to worship you! You are truly a wonderful and caring god! Allow me to toss a few human sacrifices your way! (That may even make up a little for my soul having already been disposed of, yes? ^_^")
And of course I now love you even more for what you said about the lack of women. Isn't part of the point of the story that it was quite simply a bunch of guys on a boat? We couldn't save LotR, but we're damned if we can't applaud M&C for not getting fucked around with! The point of going to a movie is not to see a cliche 'independant woman' randomly insert herself where she is not wanted or needed. 'Refreshing' is a very good word to describe it. I applaud you.
I find that subjects are more willing and eager worshippers if you're nice to them by making them pretty things, inspiring nice pairings, and so on (you know, as opposed to taking their firstborn children to be your servants, slaughtering them right and left, destroying their crops, etc). But if you're going to sacrifice people, please do it outside. Blood is an absolute *disaster* for the carpeting
( ... )
There is nothing I can say to that beautifully written vendetta against many things crappy except for this:
I must bow to you, once again, on all points. There are shades of grey in sexual orientation, there are certainly shades of grey around Jack's orientation, Mary Sues (especially the overflow of them in LotR and HP fanfiction -- gag me, please) cannot be escaped in this world any more and therefore ought to be shot, violence is just as appealing to chicks as it is to blokes (James Bond; need I say anything further?), t-shirt transfers are technology in vast need of improvement, and blood does have a nasty tendancy to soil carpets.
Mental hugs to you and your awesomeness! You're moving up in my mental pantheon, although you're still hard pressed to pass Alexander and Hannibal. Methinks no one will ever come close to them, though...
Ah, well, I never expected to. ^^ Alexander is simply worthy of worship himself; far be it from me to dethrone him! Just so long as I get to have my hair elaborately done and wear a bunch of billowing sheets, I'm happy!
*feels better, having vented her spleen* There are just some things that simply HAVE to be said. Sometimes my responses become these absolutely massive things because of that.
I had the misfortune(?) of being overseas while M&C was in theatres. *sniffle* I've never gotten to see it on the big screen, though I've been told it's an experience like no other. I hear that a surround sound system is a great way to experience the true depth of it, so methinks I'll be getting on, eventually.
Can you believe me? MONTHS in London, indeed England in general, and I simply didn't have the time amidst my studies to make a pilgrimage to Portsmouth and the HMS Victory. I wanted to cry my eyes out over that.
And '<3' is a perfectly fine response. ^^ *mashs her Celeborn and Elrond plushies into compromising positions, giggling all
( ... )
Glad you like it! I'm rather fond of the freckles myself. They came out pretty well. God bless blending modes, I say.
Of course, it also helps to have such a luscious subject to work with. *drools*
Mm, the freckles really impress me, for some reason. And the eyes. But, as you say, that might just be the pretty radiating out of him...
Indeed, the film is full of pretty. Methinks that was part of the point of the film. Such an array of sexy men were meant to be publicly displayed for us to drool over! That is their purpose!
Ah, and arigato! Alucard (and Hellsing as a whole, really) = my antidrug. And young Walter... wow.
The possibility of Jack/Tom/Stephen rather strangely had never before occured to me. Wow, now I have yet another reason to worship you! You are truly a wonderful and caring god! Allow me to toss a few human sacrifices your way! (That may even make up a little for my soul having already been disposed of, yes? ^_^")
And of course I now love you even more for what you said about the lack of women. Isn't part of the point of the story that it was quite simply a bunch of guys on a boat? We couldn't save LotR, but we're damned if we can't applaud M&C for not getting fucked around with! The point of going to a movie is not to see a cliche 'independant woman' randomly insert herself where she is not wanted or needed. 'Refreshing' is a very good word to describe it. I applaud you.
*would so ( ... )
I must bow to you, once again, on all points. There are shades of grey in sexual orientation, there are certainly shades of grey around Jack's orientation, Mary Sues (especially the overflow of them in LotR and HP fanfiction -- gag me, please) cannot be escaped in this world any more and therefore ought to be shot, violence is just as appealing to chicks as it is to blokes (James Bond; need I say anything further?), t-shirt transfers are technology in vast need of improvement, and blood does have a nasty tendancy to soil carpets.
Mental hugs to you and your awesomeness! You're moving up in my mental pantheon, although you're still hard pressed to pass Alexander and Hannibal. Methinks no one will ever come close to them, though...
*feels better, having vented her spleen* There are just some things that simply HAVE to be said. Sometimes my responses become these absolutely massive things because of that.
I had the misfortune(?) of being overseas while M&C was in theatres. *sniffle* I've never gotten to see it on the big screen, though I've been told it's an experience like no other. I hear that a surround sound system is a great way to experience the true depth of it, so methinks I'll be getting on, eventually.
Can you believe me? MONTHS in London, indeed England in general, and I simply didn't have the time amidst my studies to make a pilgrimage to Portsmouth and the HMS Victory. I wanted to cry my eyes out over that.
And '<3' is a perfectly fine response. ^^ *mashs her Celeborn and Elrond plushies into compromising positions, giggling all ( ... )
I secund that with all my heart...amen my dear amen!
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