Oct 23, 2005 23:08

It hurts to know your gone forever
so far, yet still ever so near to myself
when i think of you i think of love
when i see your picture i wonder of your fate
the nicest person that ever lived
has been replaced by the nicest one that ever did
i'm making out that youe dead
thats how far out of reach you seem

if i ever find you,or you find me
i will walk past you like a stranger as if i never knew you
you will to
i will remember the thousands of tears i shed for you
the presious times i shared with you
then i will crawl back into my prision
my prision of mind
and i'll leave you far far behind

your gone forever
never to be revived, replaced or redeemed
just to be left there and dead
your friendship ment the world to me
and your love filled a gapping hole in me
want to do me one last favour?
neverforget me, please
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