Oct 06, 2005 20:04
ok...so, i got a call from my mom yetserday and i loved it...i cant go long with out speaking to her.....
she told me some good and some upsetting things....
my brother is causing my mother stress and worry.... i hope he reads this one day and soon...its our mother joel batten....listen to her....u need to get ur shit straight and go to college...dont not go because ur scared....or becuz of some gurl that might be keeping u there or u might be using her as a reason not to go...ur waiting on her or some shit...stop! ur not gonna live forever...i love u and i want u to make something of ur life....why dont u just do it...think about the old times...ur wanted to do something big with ur life...u still can....there is still time....joel...im not tryin to take sides, but mother is right.....GGGGGGOOOOODDDD!!!!!! she tells me that she tries to talk to u and u just cut it short...that u dont really ever listen to wut she has to say adn that u just dont care about anything....why do u do it joel...just tell me...
she says that she has tired to figure out wut u want to do with ur life so she could help u....jesus...joel...she is our MOTHER! talk to her....she will listen and help u.....
i love u and i hope that one day u will be something great and make our mother poud....
ok...so i feel better know that ive said that...i love u guys and i miss u all....
i must go.....ill be back later...
love, camrin.....
i just want my family to get a fuckin break...is that to much to ask for....one break that will help solve so many problems.....ahhhh....yeah.