Just pretty much like every one that has a Friends Only journal on Livejournal, maybe I have a few things that you should know:
Friends Only Rules
---> This is my personal journal. And all of it is Friends Only. So, if you want to read it, you have to be on the friends list
---> Comment To Be Added
---> Add me first please <3
---> Let me know a little about yourself. Something along the lines of how you found me, or why you want to add me. Something to just let me know who I'm dealing with :D
---> I post all kinds of things in here. Just a warning
---> If you want to promote to me, I would prefer it be done on this entry please
---> I'm not really picky. I love comments and I try to comment on people I am friends with as often as I can
---> I useually add anyone who adds me and would like to be added back. But, I do like people to actually take interest in me. So, if you are trying to just increase your friends number, don't think about it sweetie
---> Just like everyone else, I have a Myspace. If you would like to view it, look over to your right and go down the list. It's there. I also have a FTJ, it can also be located to your right
---> I have had some problems with people fretting over my layout. Well, credit is in the sidebar. Anything else you would like to know, as it here
---> Thanks for reading this