Hello World, Goodbye World

Apr 05, 2006 00:22

I made it to Decatur to see Beth....she's got a long road, and to see sweet baby Sarah.

Hello World

1 lb 10 oz. 3 MONTHS EARLY..and beautiful. She is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute, and soooo tiny. She is precious.
(KT....go to www.bethandjoe.com/sarah and check her out...but be awarned, these are the pics JUST at delivery, before she was "cleaned up")

All signs point to the fact that she's STRONG, a FIGHTER, and we think...highly intelligent. This afternoon some thought she was sucking her thumb...nope. I say she was just counting on her fingers. Smart girl for under 2 lbs.

Goodbye World

As I was leaving the hospital, mom called. She didn't just call though, she called me HOME. I was going to stay in Dectaur and go see beth and sarah one more time tomorrow, but mom called me "home". She said Aunt Sandra wouldn't make it through the night. They called in the minister, and all the family tonight.

The waiting is hard.

What's weird is this. Baby Kate...Emily's baby was born on the evening of September 7th. As I was leaving the hospital, I got the call to "come home"...my grandmother died. The circle of life was definitely evident.

Now, same thing. Little Sarah is born, and as I'm leaving the hospital, mom called me to "come home", because my aunt is dying. Again...amazing to watch the circle of life. These days will always be bitter sweet.

My wonderful friend Webbie keeps calling me to remind me that he loves me, remind me that I'm the strongest person he knows, and to see how I'm doing, and if I'm ok. I love him for that. (And I love you for that too, Patrick).

Anyway, I'm "HOME"...just got in about 30 mintes ago. I'm sitting...waiting...for that inevitable phone call. My "gut "is telling me somewhere between 3-6 am. I wonder why.

Hello World, Goodbye World...thanks for all you are, life!
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