(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 09:54

Well i havent updated in a butt long time... eh these kinda get boring after a while so i stopped now i am sitting here being bored at 10 in the morning so i am updating... well this week was long and sttressful but its all worth it cause now its SUMMER and i dont have to worry about my parents bitching or teachers being assholes (mr. lutgen*** ivy you know what im talking about) all i have to do is lay by the pool or go shopping... I dont have to worry about drama, rumors, or people who like to stick there noses in other peoples buisness.... I dont have to see anyone i dont want to.. Like at school you have to see everyone wether you want to or not, with summer you chose to and im choseing not to.. Theres only a select few who i will hang out with..

************************New Subject*****************************************

So this weekend was kinda fun kinda boring..... Thursday after school got out morgan and i went to her new house in progress haha and had to tape down floors.. but while she was giving me the tour her and her brother started fighting with paper rolls and big pieces of wood cahsing eachother around the house and then decided to come after me with it... well then ivy called us and wanted to hang out with us so she came over and we had to still tape the floors down.. haha so after that we got to go to Sams club..... but then we went back to my house and ivy came in and slipped on my floor then hit her head on my door.. and started doing something with this ball we have i dont know haha... so then i had a barbeque and im not getting into that cause it was a horrible night.. then after some people left it was me sara jenny mo bryan katie adry and mary and tiff.. haha it was so much fun.. wthen mo spent the night.. next day ihung out with her all day and we went and picked up our pots and then went to the mall and hung out there.. then yesterday i had to go to gradution parties for people i havent seen in like 7243974 years..... there parents and my parents went to college together(talk about long time). it was okay i guess...then today i have to go to more.. except i have actually seen these people recently they should b soooo much fun.. and then i am having the coolest girl ever over!!

2 more days!!!! im so excited!!! only one person knows why!!! haha dont tell!!
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