
Jul 16, 2005 12:13 parents have been gone for 2 weeks and there coming back today. I actually liked them not being here. Not to say that I don't miss them and all but, I liked having the house to myself. I seriously don't understand how people can live with there parents when they are still 30. I love mine, but I also love the freedom and independence. So did I have any wild parties? No. Rach wanted to have one for Eddie and Russell but I shot that idea down. There's group is fun, but also crazy, wild and uncontrollable. Plus, I mostly worked. I've been putting in 40 hours a week at the ol' M4. And when I do have a day off, I want to sleep or hang around my house and do nothing. So lately I've been just hanging out with my friends from work. Employee Previews and IHOP. Employee previews and swimming over my house. Employee previews and-wait, there wasn't an employee preview that day, but we just all hanged out over my house. Good times. Employee previews are always fun. Because you have nothing better to do at 2am and sleep is for the weak. And well, I've kinda learned that hanging out with them is a lot more fun then just hanging out with Danni's crew. I dunno. A lot of stuff is gonna change. But I'm ok with that because so much has changed already.

oh yea...the new Harry Potter book came out today. I'm excited.
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