name - liz
age -sixteen
gender - female
location - california
favorite bands - in no real order
The New pornographers
Godspeed you! black emperor
Elliott Smith
Pedro the Lion
The blood Brothers
Death Cab for cutie
Jeff Buckeley
Saves the day
favorite movies -
Cinema Paridisio
Donnie Darok
The red violin
Ferriss bullers day off
Breakfast club
favorite stores - The amazing adventures of Kavalier and clay but only because it owns... i love all stories really...
will you try to be a commited member? - try? hah i wont try to be a committed member i will be a commited member.
atleast THREE* picture of you -
Best show you've been to -vendetta red, i haven't been to a concert in days. aw man
*TELL US A JOKE! aw jeez alright. i would totally give you a dane cook impression ( since i love him) but it sounds stupid when you type " and the pickeles, yes and cheeze, i would like cheezewhatdoyouwant. yes cheeze.." "lady are you trying to molest me via drive through?" see i warned you.
Describe your personality a little bit, chances are we don't make us interested in you - i am completely incapeable of matching, as if that has to do with my personality. Anyways, i sing loudly and constantly, and i dance to the guitarists who play street corners and in the bart.
Do you wear scarves - if the occasion warrents it. When in home (NY)well, of course
Are you able to be arrogant and mean without trying -this all depends, I like to think i am a nice person, but apparently
tell us atleast 2 people you promoted us to:can i stick ya in a community and therefor promote you to a whole lot more?
Thoughts on:
1.Abortion pro choice. I have never been faced with that decision so i have no right to tell anyone else what to do with her uterus. Also, what happens if your raped, of sexually abused ect?
2.Gay Marriage Deffinatly in favour of it. Your sexual orientation dosent make you any less deserving of a person. Gay people should be allowed the same rights as hetero's. Giving them anything less is discrimination, and i htought all men were creatde equal
3.Vegans could never do it. dont understand it, but respect it because it is so out of my leauge
4.Straightegde whatever your down with. Everyone has their reasons for doing/not doing drugs/alcahol/sex. And thats cool by me
5.Drugs Whaever makes you happy, i believe in trying everything once though, then you can have an oppinion, because you have experienced it
6.Drinking can be shit loads of fun... unless you drink too much.. and then you can aquire random brusies, and...stuff... On a more serious note. Drinking is fine by me, just please dont drive.
7.Pre-Maritial Sex if you love the person, and want to share that with them, go for it. Just be smart about it
thanks <3