I think I might be bi-polar. Is
that something you can develop?
I have alternating days of
elation and despondancy. Ah I
dunno, I guess this is just
life. I'm flat out working too,
and sleep is one of those
luxuries that I have only a
slim time frame for. Right now
I'm at my temping job, having
come here from my internship. I
leave at 2am, then repeat
Things are
picking up on the band front
too. In a "d'oh!" moment
earlier this week, I figured
out that if I want to be a
manager of bands
professionally, managing my own
band might be a good start.
Basically all this amounts to
is getting the password for our
myspace, so if you're reading
this and you're a member of
100101s, don't get too stressed
Besides, like I
said, I think it's going pretty
well. I dropped into the Old
Blue Last last night and
introduced myself to Ellie from
Fierce Panda. She was super-
stoked to see me and hear about
the new band, as it seems she
was quite the fan of Operation
Wolf. We're currently looking
at dates to play one of her
nights, probably sometime in
Then I introduced
myself to Matty from White
Heat. This must be about the
5th time I've done that in the
past 4 years, but since I'm not
a hot girl with blunt bangs and
heels, I guess my face blends
into the fog of his memory.
He's putting out a Shimmy
Rivers && Canal 7" "soon", and
he digs Hands on Heads, so I
gave him the 100101s pitch.
First thing he said was that it
reminded him of being at school
20 years ago. I was like
"what?", thinking he knew us
and was making a serious dig.
Turns out it was just that he
totally got the reference in
our name, which must be a
first. For the record, our name
is a throw back to these:
Sorry for the shitty small
size. He seemed pretty into the
sound of our band too, and said
he'd be at the show we're
playing with Gay Against
It seems like things
could go either way, life-wise.
Who knows. That photo at the
top is Party Sausage + I'll
Shank You for 10p from Barden's
a while back. Circuit bending,
glitchy beats, awful