Oct 09, 2007 16:02
Hahaha Wanna know something funny...
So I'm sitting here looking at my nails because they're taking forever to grow out & I figured it's because I'm a vegetarian, and a bad one at that so I don't get a lot of protien. No protien, obviously means no nails and never as gorgous and full of hair as it could be. Sad but true no matter what. So my thoughts turned to the idea of natural selection. Survival of the fittest. It's a pretty well proven theory. If everyone stopped eating meat, then no one would be the as absolutely strong and healthy as you are on a natural herbavore diet, and seeing as humans aren't that pysically strong to begin with that deffinately puts us at a disatvantage to a looooot of things and a lot of weaknesses, we're not that smart either... Truth and Point. Peta sucks. They promote violence, and the inevitable takeover on the weakend human race by all the damn dolphins you saved with your dolphin safe tuna.
and p.s... I love dolphins =]