Feb 14, 2007 22:10
I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
My inhibitions are too much man. I gotta get over this shit.
But when I do I get fucked over.
I gotta get my talk on.
I met the fucking cutest Native American guy at Target today when I went to buy seeds.
His name was Dakota, and he made me hot a little bit.
I spilled Soil all over my bed. =]
It sucked ass hahaha.
I want my garden =D
I started writing again. =] It makes me happy. I don't really know why I stopped. I guess all that stupid emergence of the emo and hardcore bullshit made me feel whiney and lame writing poetry, but I'm dow with it. Fuck anyone who hates. You're a stupid bitch.
hahaha Here's one I wrote in Abnormal psych;
My predator
My killing machine
my loving being
six leagues under
got to wonder
how you mate
great white bight
frozen sight
that's allright =].
Hahahaha and for anyone who's a stupid moron & doesn't get, that's about great white sharks.
And it's supposed to be dumb and funny.
I got some more, but they're a little on the personal side. Maybe I'll get it in me to put them up...
Even though no one reads this? Hhahaha.