Oct 27, 2005 08:36
absolutely amazing.
i will hold a candle up to singe your skin
brace yourself, im bent with bitterness
i'm officially in love with Death Cab♥
and i just finished writing a summary on an article about bird flu
scary shit =/
apparently if the infected birds get accross the bering strait into alaska
they could infect our birds and it could become a nationwide epidemic by next fall
contagious and deadly
and im wondering why on the subject of memory and recall in AP psych
the class randomly brings up the reality of disney movies
and how they're alot creepier than you might recognize.
take snow white for instance...
she moves into a house of seven men
the witch sends someone to kill her and bring back her heart
she's fed a poisonus apple, and then the prince kisses her, when she's dead
necrophiliac much?
&&besides the fact, her head is humongus compared to his.
they also discussed the fact that in being able to recall the names of the seven dwarves
one of the names, often confused on the list was horny?
apparently because all the dwarves were warm for snow whites form.
&that is all.