in my bundle of plenty...

Dec 15, 2005 08:58

yeah they cut me down but they don't phase me.
comming from them it's unintentional.
hitting me, it seem's like they oh so obviously want me to change.
fuck em. they can suck it

"hey michelle, why can't you ever hit somebody up?"
well, at 2am on a thursday morning.
i ain't hittin nothin but the pillow and the backs of my eyelids.

everything still repeats over and over in my head
the days.
the song.
the words.

finals start tomorrow.
i've got so much work to do.
regardless of whether i need latin to graduate or not
mrs. gilvin wants the goodies
so perhaps i could sweet talk her into letting me take some quizzes.

can i just say, that getting to school in the morning
no matter how tired you are, how sick or how icky you feel
it makes my day.
i see those that i love desperately
i hear people singing songs that stay stuck in my head for hours.
and i fck hott bitches such as jessica healy&&rebecca gratz.
damn it feels good to be a gangsta

today i got the most uplifting comment ever.
she said my socks were



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