[name] Ariel
[where you live]Manhatten/long island
[siblings] none
[age] 18
[what's it like being mulatto in your eyes] Being accepted everywhere and no where at the same time, bragging to my white friends about never getting sunburn, pride in many nationalities, always checking the "other" box on forms that ask my race, being slightly parinoid about eating fried chicken in public, and of course dealing with the hair
[when and where did you first hear the word mulatto?] I think about 8th/9th grade social studies when we were learning about slavery. I got so excited like "theres a WORD for what i am? AWESOME"
[for what it's worth, do you ever really feel like you belong in a certain crowd?] Until about 5th grade i was never fully aware that there was anything different about my nationality. My father (my african half) died when i was a baby and we didnt have much contact with his family, except for his parents who both died before i was out of elementry school. I grew up in a mainly white neighborhood and the only family i knew was on my mothers side. I also look much mre white than black, so whenever people asked me what i was ( dont you love that questin, "what are you?") I would say 'half-black' and not really think about it. So until i got int high school i never really recognised that i had any connection black history or culture, and now that i do i feel nothing but pride. But i wouldn't say i feel like i 'belong' to a certain nationality, and i dont know as many bi-racial people as i would like to. So i hope to meet more people with feelings like mine, until we all just intermingle enough so that the whole world is the same greyish brown color and we can all share eachothers cultures.
Im also not really up on this whole posting pictures thing, so this many only work if you have a flickr acount. Ill try to change it when i learn how.