Sep 11, 2005 21:46
So yeah continuing from my last entry...
After we went on some sweet coastal areas like Pensacola Florida at Nivarre beach and Savanna Georgia in Tybee Island, we kept driving towards home. We got to see some really amazing sights. I saw a lot of national parks which were my favorite. But I also saw a lot of small costal cities that reminded me of home. There are about 50 rolls of film from our vacation. Yep 50! Can you believe it?!? Yeah well I had so much fun! A great way to spend one of my last years at home before my sister goes off to college. And we listened to all 6 Harry Potter books on CD. Crazy! It was perfect for all those really long days. You could really escape for a few hours. I liked all the places we stayed. Especiallyall the beaches. I bought a lot of beach stuff for my room. I'm trying to go all paradise mixed with the beach. I dunno how to explain it, but it's going to be sweet! My absolute favorite place we stayed was San Fransisco! I LOVE SAN Fransisco! It so reminds me of home! Also it is so cool. Unfortunately I did not get to see Alcatraz because all the tickets were sold out! : ( It is still such an awesome city so I will so have to go back and see ALcatraz. I did go to Ghirardelli Square and got some mint chocolates of course! I LOVE Ghirardelli chocolate!!! It was such a nice vacation. There were so many good things about the trip. There were also bad things about the trip like being stuck in a car all day when I wasn't feeling very well. But the good out weighs the bad! I love road trips.
Hurrican Katrina...What can I say about that? Well it was really terrifying, because I went to all the places Katrina hit. Like: Mobile Alabama, Gulfport Mississippi, Biloxi Mississippi, Baton Rouge Louisiana, and last but not least New Orleans Louisiana. I went to New Orlens a week before Hurricane Katrina hit. Isn't that insane? I could not believe the damage the hurricane did. I had never seen a hurricane wreck so much havoc. And I was lucky to see New Orleansfor the first time before the hurricane damage. But I remember watching the news when they were saying that hurricane Katrina was going to hit the next morning. When I got up the next day I saw all the devastation that Katrina did. My heart went out to all those poor people. Especially the ones who lived in New Orleans, because they literally lost everything. I was devastated when I watched the news. And then I got really angry when those poor people had to wait like 4 or 5 days before anyone would help them. This kept reminding me of that Black Eyed Peas song that's I think titled "Where is the love?" But finally they got help. I was so glad that they finally were being evacuated, but there are still so many people who have been separated from their families. I hope everything turns out for everyone.
Ok so I have absolutely nothing to do between now and the 26th as that is when school starts for me. I can't wait! I am getting so excited about going back to school. I will be taking some really interesting classes this next quarter. Such as: Spanish, History, and Cultural Anthropology. I am going to have so much fun, and it will be a lot of hard work, but I know I can do it. I can't wait! But until then I just have to hang out and get prepared for school. Maybe I should be brushing/reviewing my spanish.....that would be good! Well I need to get off now or I'll just keep talking forever! Do you guys watch LOST? I can't wait to see season 2 of LOST! I Love that show!