Jul 10, 2005 21:19
okay well i left off saying how we went to hankey.. well i came home from there got in the shower and called rin. Her and vic came over and we walked to pointe west. then we got there and walked back.. ughh took forever.! then went to twist n shake when gay people like rob elicker ans sean folcik and them come and are like you wanna cigarette?!.. i was like hand wem pver bitces!.. but i really didnt take one cause im not stupid. but we walked up to my house and went online and they kept like prank calling us and we were like FAGGSS!!.. but then BEN walked to my house for rin of course and he said hi and be and smooched her and they left. so we went up ti my house and rin and vic ripped off theyre shirts and ran around a tree in my front yard. and then we drank some coke and rum.. wanted more but my sister would have KILLED me. but we danced for like 3 hours and they started writing on my walls as usual. and then my mom came home and we ordered so much food from pizza milano at like 1230 am.. it was SWEET.. so the car ride was AMAZINGG!!!
and we came home ate ALOT and then talked and watched tv and danced and we finally went to bed at like 5 in the morning. So my sister wakes us up at like 11 and is like if you want to go to the wve pool then get up cause im taking you now. and were like okay so we got up and went.. i layed like the whole toime i was so tired. we came home at like 430 and i went to a softball game wth ang it was fun. my brothers friends grad perty was there and dan kuzio squirt me with a water gun.. and i hate all of them.. but then i went over angs and we played outside and we went for like 3 walks and then we went online and then we lit things on fire and then we played monkey ball.. and then my mom picked me up.. now im here.. and ive had a long day and i have to babysit in the morning and i have to go to bedd.....
i lovee john<3
coment with your favorite memory with me