well. not that theres much new inthere for me.. xcept the guitar dont know wich one it is, since you showed me bout a 100 ofem :P but Im glad it came in ^^
and and and! we are SO gonna have to fight over Trent.. NineInchNails!! :D:D:D
shes more emo then i can handle ;) [L] LOL She refuses to gimmy a piccie tho >__< I'll get renee to make me one, *right renee ? i'll just give u my cam :) *
And honestly, im hiding under my bed :p your scary and WAY to emo :| ;)
you posted..! :O
well. not that theres much new inthere for me..
xcept the guitar
dont know wich one it is, since you showed me bout a 100 ofem :P
but Im glad it came in ^^
and and and! we are SO gonna have to fight over Trent..
NineInchNails!! :D:D:D
i'll show you a piccie of the guitar as soon as you get online, and one of jacky as soon as i have one :p
wellthen, where are you?!
you chicken!
I am aspecially interrested in jacky, ofcourse.
is she emo enough? :P
She refuses to gimmy a piccie tho >__<
I'll get renee to make me one, *right renee ? i'll just give u my cam :) *
And honestly, im hiding under my bed :p your scary and WAY to emo :|
you do that pal, cuz I wanna see her..!! :D
be frightend.
whoo (6)
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