Jan 20, 2007 13:21

China just shot a missile at one of its own weather satellites, just to show that it could. People are getting upset because they're worried about the "militarisation of space." I don't see why space should be any different than any other expansion humanity has made. There's oil and inferior natives out there somewhere.

Yesterday I went to the talent show.


The first band, You Could Say That, I couldn't hear a word that singer was singing except the letters he shouted in the first song, but I liked his performance. He was enthusiastic. Also starring John Fredericks on keyboard and KelseyK as the bass drum holder.

One of the "music stylings" where the two girls stood and sang was gutsy. They could have forgotten which lines came next. And they did. But they recovered, and it was alright.

The two stand-up acts kind of made me wish I had tried out. John Mooney's performance was hard to watch because he had these huge buildups to no punch line:

"So I was cleaning my room the other day for three hours. That's right, three hours. And I spent it all like this (pantomiming bending down to pick something up many times). For three hours. I was down there cleaning and I looked like Quasimodo. My back hurt."


And he brought up religion a surprising amount for a high-school comedy act. He apparently had a whole joke involving him wearing a cross around his neck...with the punch line being that he kisses it for good luck?

I have this theory that I think is true in at least this case. People watch sitcoms and even actual comedy acts on TV, and they hear the laughs, and they use that to say what's funny. The problem is, laugh tracks were created just because people laugh more when they hear others laughing, so people laugh more at things with laugh tracks. It doesn't mean something is funny, it means it was trying to be funny. And comedy routines on TV have tons of drunk people and "Laugh Now" signs and people who came out on that night just to laugh. It doesn't mean it will be funny to a bunch of coldhearted high schoolers.

Anyway, he's probably a great kid, and probably very funny if you have a conversation with him. He just needs jokes which can stand alone.

The other stand up act was Josh Smith. I'll leave it at that.

Magic and origami were interesing...I think the origami should have gotten "Most Creative" at least...because no one has ever done origami for the talent show. The magic act and the origami weren't featured to their best, because the video camera hooked up to the display was not...professionally done. It was hard to see either of them.

I was impressed with Alex Race. I have to hand it to him that he took a song and just went with it. That front row on the right was going nuts. He's a small kid, but he can fake enough confidence and he's got a decent voice. So bravo to him.

There was a comedic dance by some people I know. It was the funniest act. It sounds so stupid, but it was humorous.

There was a "dance interlude" of like 5 seconds of Irish dancing. I think we've all seen enough of that for our lives. For Irish dancing, I'm sure it was great. For entertainment, notsomuch.

And finally, the last band. Oh-ho-ho that last band. They were just busting with pure awesome. Especially their look. They have one of the prettiest people on the face of the planet in their band.

And he plays some mean drums.

Also starring Aaron Gordon as far-too-loud guitar, Alicia Paolucci as hardcore frontman, little-brother-Gordon on bass(I think), and Matt Damon on other guitar. And the already-mentioned Matthew Agugliaro.

For the first time in a talent show, the bands were both good and the best part. I especially liked the excessive jumping the guitarists of all bands did. I don't know why jumping with a guitar looks so much cooler than jumping with anything else in your hands(TALKIN' TO YOU, EGGS). It just is.

And you would think I was done because that was the last act, but no, there's more. A fella I like to call Richard Dubs Kennedy was a fella I like to call "some teacher I've never had" along with other teacher parodies. I chortled at a few, but I feel like the Geelan coulda been a lot better. They totally pansied on that one.
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