Has anyone ever finished a stick of chapstick?
Just curious.
I got a wireless mouse for my birthday which has never worked well. I don't really know what's wrong with it, except even Microsoft doesn't accept it. It uses a laser, not a ball, and the pointer goes crazy when I move it over most surfaces. Well it started working, but only on the SUNY Application Viewbook. It's this crazy multicolored booklet, but as long as I have the mouse on it, the mouse works great. It makes zero sense.
But I guess I have a new mousepad.
There are very few sounds which automatically get a laugh from me, and one of them is the sound of David (P.) Reeves getting raped.
That came out wrong.
(no it didn't)
I've got to get a bunch of pictures from the Nawlins trip and make some collages. If you have some suggestions for pictures I should use, comment me.
Also, any other ideas for some way to make the Venturing group more appealing to the lawyers of
Hiscock and Barclay would be good.
Or some better way to fund raise than whoring Moyer out to men. We need one of those.