I got a letter from a kindly old lady named Mary Walper recently. It said "Happy 17th Birthday" and it had $5 in it. I used to write thank-you notes back with what I bought from it, but I'm too afraid I would write back "I used your $5 to buy cigarettes...I'm 18 dammit" so I'm just not going to respond.
Speaking of which, as if all of you didn't have your calenders marked(as everyone whose house I've been to in the past month does), Friday October 27th is my 18th birthday.
Saturday 6pm is the coming-to-my-house-and-giving-me-things gathering.
269 Wardman
If you know me, show up. This is officially my invitation to you. Need a personalized invitation?
Dear [your name],
Please come to my house on Saturday at 6pm, and bring me free things. I'll have candy (
[my name]
Copy that onto Word and fill in the parts that need it, and there you go.
If you have suggestions for stuff to do, leave it in the comments, but I have the basic idea planned out.
This has been asked of me, and so I give you notable aspects of me which might help people get me things:
I have a car
I have an iPod
I don't like gift cards unless it's firm tradition(you know who you are)
I don't really play Magic anymore
I only own two ties
I never watch movies more than once or twice, thus DVDs and the like are useless to me unless rented
My birthday is 4 days from Halloween
Noam Chomsky is a sweet name to say, and that's all. I never said I was a fan.
I want to be Tickle-Me Elmo(hard to find and always looks like he's touching himself) for Halloween but I don't have any idea how to get an Elmo costume in my size. The mask I don't care about, I'm wondering about the fur stuff. What the hell is that?