Jul 03, 2010 16:01
- 16:47 @ mayt babe! there is plenty of time later to have a buzz! :) #
- 18:38 monkeyknifefight: (via annahinks) wooo.nu/cyIVMy #
- 21:17 Yum!!!! Happy birthday @Mayt!!! (@ Rare Chelsea) 4sq.com/bgCOpI #
- 13:09 Ok reset my network settings, let's see if this helps... #
- 13:09 @ mayt hahahha #
- 13:48 @ NateBoat no tons of dropped calls #
- 16:00 Heading to jersey with @mayt (@ NJ Transit Concourse - Penn Station) 4sq.com/4rBwyO #
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