Hi everyone!
Today I bring you some colored manga pages. These are very old actually but I wanted to post them here anyway.
You may use it for icons, headers, userinfo banners and such; however, it must be for PERSONAL USE ONLY, meaning you cannot post graphics made with my coloring in your icon journal. PLEASE credit either
kotae or
_moonangel_ and of course DO NOT claim you colored it (please, I've spent hours on some of these ;-;).
Other than that, enjoy ♥
Click on the previews for full size. Comments are welcome! I have another bunch of colorings but I'll save them for another post, :3
Vampire Knight
Lovely Complex
Card Captor Sakura
Shimizu Keiichi
Kiniro no Corda
Hino Kahoko
Kiniro no Corda
Hino Kahoko
Kiniro no Corda
Hino Kahoko
Kiniro no Corda
★ Like what you see?