Sep 08, 2004 14:16
Right now im in my After effects class. So far from the 2 classes ive had, one yesterday(Abnormal Psych) and this class today, i have liked and been interested by both. The professors may not be what i want, but the classes seem to interest me enough for me to work hard and do what i need to do and more. I can already tell that i will have a lot of work this semester and very little time to have fun, but i believe it will be worth it. I want to become something now. Some of my friends that graduated and ive spoken to are working in companies and making 50-60g+ a year to start. Thats something that i would deffinetly like to have. In this world money is an issue wether we like it or not. When u have enough money u can do so much and have way less stress build up on you when making certain financial decisions. You can go out and not have to worry about where you are going for it may be too costly. You can buy what you want and not just dream of it. Life takes a different road once you have a good stable job and have a good income. I want that now that i see it in my friends who have achieved it. I want my own place. I want my own car(even though i gotta get my license first hehe, but im working on that as we speak). I want to be able to go out whenever i want and not have to worry about spending too much money since i can afford it. I want to be able to buy my own computer that is as advanced as i need it to be. I want to be able to do so much that i just cant right now due to my financial status. And i know i will. I will take the things i learn this year and apply them to life.I will not do work that is just good enough for a class so i can pass it. I will do work that i know i will be able to use in my portfolio so i can get a real job soon. I just hope on one thing, and that is that i can stay in this mind state until i achieve all this. I hope that i dont just fall into procrastination. We shall see.
Well, time to get back to work. Over and out.