May 28, 2004 10:10

I was looking through some of my papers the other day from Bible College and i found some stuff on has helped me a lot just rereading it...maybe it can help others too:

Forgiveness is NOT tolerance
NOT pretending
NOT forgetting
NOT generosity of spirit
NOT turning the other cheek
NOT looking the other way
NOT making a joke of wrong
NOT politeness or tactfulness
NOT diplomacy
NOT a passive non-response

Forgiveness is something much deeper

Forgiveness IS a deliberate act of the will
IS a full pardon
IS a substitutional act
IS obedience to God's Word
IS an act of love IS the KEY TO FREEDOM!!!!

Seven Steps To Forgiving Others:

The first step is for you to choose to forgive that person for th especific offenses against you

the second step is to ask GOd to forgive that person. Earnestly asking that He wwill no longer hold anything against that person on you account

the third step is to ask God to forgive you for hilding unforgiveness, resentment, anger, bitterness or even hatred in your heart.

the fourth step you forgive God for allowing this person to hurt you. you may think God does not need to be forgiven. indeed He doesn't but you need the exercise in forgiving Him

ventilation of stored-up emotions is the crucial fifth step. anger turned inward is a common reason for depression. feel free to cry, sob, hit a pillow, anything to get rid of that betterness and frustration

the sixth step is a request for God to pour His healing balm over you wounds and painful memories and to let Him fill you with His love and presence

The seventh step is directed towards the offender. you ask God to bless him or her in every way possible, spiritually, physically, socially, financially, at home, at work in every aspect of life!!

I got this information from Doris Boydston's article, "How to walk free."

i hope someone else can use this like i have. it has helped me see things in a different way.
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