Apr 13, 2005 13:55
why i love people who are crazy with power:
i had a paper due today in english that was based on an outline that we wrote, handed in, and got graded, last week
i forgot to include the one page, very brief, work cited page that i included in the outline that was written, handed in, and graded last week
when i explained my situation and asked if i could email him the file this afternoon, or just hand him a hard copy on friday his response was as followed:
him: do you live on campus?
me: yes
him: you have 30 minutes to email it to me
OMG it would have been sooooooo much better if he was like "even though i am under 30, and barely finished with my masters, i am so burnt out from teaching that i feel no need to accept any semi-late parts of a paper, even from the girl who sits in the 2nd row of the class, has never missed one day, always looks presentable, and only on one occasion has come to class slightly hungover."
and i am totally not that obnoxious girl who asks too many questions, or practically any questions, or questions his ideas or statements. there have been under 5 instances where he has perhaps caught me making a snotty look in an undefined direction and not at him or any person in particular when a ridiculous neo-conservative statemtent has been made during class.
i have class right after english, so i was 40 minutes over my 30 minutes deadline (still less than an hour and 15 minutes after class- thank goodness i don't have a job or something); i have yet to hear the outcome of my perilous situation
i desperatly need a C- in this class to get credit and right now i have a C; what a predictiment
someday when i am a teacher i will tell some snotty first grader that they have failed their project on the tundra because their diaramma doesn't have enough polar bears in it...bitches