Recent life events have demonstrated, that:

Jan 30, 2009 20:09

1.Degree of success in entry level laboratory tech position lies in direct proportion to ones' ability to stay focused like a Ritalin abuser, whilst spending hours sitting on your butt, watching paint dry.
1a. Inability to react in appropriate and timely manner gives you fancy-shmancy cancers.
1b. Your coworkers' inability  to do so does too.
1c. Often, paint stays wet throughout the day. Then you have to freeze it, and come back next day to start over.

Addendum: I f**ken' love my job! It's like I have a pair of damn angel-wings!  Woo-hoo!

2. Even one day a week gig as a friendly retail assistant warrants making a shirt that reads "Please no sneezing on hired help. Thanks, your friendly retail assistant"
2a. Failing to do so ensures you will spend your lab time watching paint dry through fever induced haze.
2b. Since this is a government institution, nobody but the new girl are crazy enough to come in while sick. Thus, you must be simulating.
2c. See 1a.

Addendum: people who sneeze on sales clerks in fancy food shops should go choke on hazardous chemicals somewhere. You would not have died for want of tom yum soup that week-end, sir, I assure you. Get well, and then go shopping for non-essential items. Simple.

P.S. CRS are pure love. That Wiki article needs a better picture.

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