Feb 21, 2007 20:40
*Prepare yourself for random ramblings!*
I don't know what it is, but I feel over the past few years my inspiration has gone down the drain, quite literally since beginning university I feel like when i have free time I don't do anything productive, i don't write fan fiction anymore (I don't right anything period. Well that isn't some kind of essay, news story, feature, profile, or review!), I don't make much on photoshop/paint shop pro, I don't make music videos, I don't really work on the addicted that much, I don't do karate, I barely get a chance to play the drums, keyboard and guitar because they're at home and when I am at home I am working full time, I've been working on several websites for far to long and none of them have made to a screen near you...so I am feeling a bit of a waste of space. What I do, do in my free time can hardly be that beneficial, i mean unless drinking and gigs is like really productive all of a sudden, oh and trying more than a few hands at poker! I don't know basically what I am trying to say is I wish my muse would bloody come back! I want to write, I want to feel creative, but damn I don't...maybe all this bloody university work and crap like supporting yourself, and always having to worry about having no money, has just drained my life force lol! University has done so much for me in a good way, but I think I am such a different person now, I want to find me again, if that makes any sense?!
Anyway moving away from the rambling of me being not very productive and probably a bit of a waste of space, who at the best of times can't spell if I may say so myself, my spelling is appalling, i used to be able to spell, personally I blame the spell check thing, it's easier to right click! Anyway I will stop ranting! I have a new kick arse laptop, it's got vista, and its dead fast, and the dvd drive works! woot! Yeh that's all the good I have to say! Only kidding, I am going home for my sisters 18th birthday party soon, and I am so delighting in the fact that I'll have one evening to relax and let my hair down! I need to get away from Falmouth it's been rather suffocating recently.