Mar 21, 2005 01:35
Hey feeNZ .. well yea , uMm jOsh ( my quy best friend ) sleot over and he did the biqqest mistake in his life .. he fawking brouqht his diqital camara .. lmaO.. i tOok like no lie 80 pictures .. lmaO.. just for my fan club ( you know who you are ) bwhahah . well yea .. uMm nO ONe rOckz Oranqe like i can .. thOse pictures will be posted up in my profile sOon i prOmise lmaOoOoOo ..well yea , i was talkinq to my BaBiiBoii , que lindO i want to eat him all up , que ricO ..well yea today was my daddiez B-day and my parents annv. we went to qo eat at flaniqans Omq iam a fat asz , i ordered the full rack of ribs and i only ate like 4 ribs lmaO .. My BaBiiBoii said he still loves me either with weiqht or with out it , so fawk all the haters.. JASMIN STILL FITTING INTO A SIZE 2-3 JEANS .So dOnt qet excited..well yea and my parents make 25 years they been toqether .. damn thats a fawking lonq time .. de pinqa `.. well yea it was awsome then i came home and i chilled with peachy , we rode around and ate shit and i was talking to my BaBiiBoii . aww he soo edible .. and on tuesday i mite qo to la playa with justin.. and me and my BaBiiBoii are planninq on qoinq to the fair sOon.. sOo thats qanna be off the chain.. well thats about it , till tomarO . take kare feeNz, and keep on reading my past enteries ( yall know who you are ) lmaO.Bye