journal journal journal journal save me from career bags
and the awkwardness downstairs
and christmas shopping
i almost had an anxiety attack christmas shopping today. too many people, too hot in the stores, too much selection, nothing that i need and why the hell is aahs selling a nintendo wii for $699? price gauging at its finest, i guess. i have nothing to look forward to on sundays now that the wire is over. i suppose ill base my weeks around top chef now. i could watch top chef reruns forever. im really rooting for ilan. team ilan!
im trying to get back into music. music and i had a falling out, but im trying to mend our broken relationship. i like this peter bjorn and john song a lot, and i have some new music for joe, so joe, get the fuck on AIM. LOVEZ!~
jason thinks im weird. shurgs.
loverz and friendz