
Feb 17, 2007 11:17

Dear Cupid,

This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.

Cavefelem and I hooked up at a huge party then Mr_moley walked in and joined in.
I learned that the movie 'Soylent Green' is an aphrodisiac to Mr_moley... but when they kept screaming “it’s people” I got a little creeped out.
Krautboy and I had a threeway kiss with Krautboy.
So, as you can see, it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Taivaansusi fall in love with me this Valentine's day?

Take this Quiz at or, take the work-safe version at ) 
Happy belated VD. I spent it in flu. And the two days before it. And still counting. But this cheered me up a bit with its sheer surrealism O.o (via Avalonia)
Dear Cupid,

This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.

Cavefelem, Snowgrouse and I went skinny dipping in lake Michigan and now we are cold all the time.
Striped and I went to the public restrooms and hooked up through the stall.
I pretended to be the ghost of Jim Morrison to sleep with Mr_moley - and it worked.
So, as you can see, it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Fauni fall in love with me this Valentine's day?

Take this Quiz at or, take the work-safe version at ) 


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