1. Who took your profile picture?
I did, at the lake. Summer sunset and my sailboat. God, I can't wait.
2. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
pj pants with purses on them, gap tank, and some long sleeved pj shirt. i'm with my parents, no need to look impressive.
3. What is your current problem?
reminding myself not to overthink things. my problems are minimal right now, finally! yay!!
4. What makes you happy?
family food, holding the baby, shopping for presents, lattes with peppermint, living situations, and contstant text messages.
5. Whats the name of the song that you're listening to?
the weather channel -- predicting the storm coming in from michigan tomorrow
6. Do you like MTV?
not really anymore. sometimes it's amusing, sometimes i want to kill myself.
7. Name something that annoys you about people?
when they're irresponsible and don't do something they say they're going to do.
Chapter 1:
1. Nickname(s):?
dani, danny, d, trouble, ...
2. Hair color?
dark blonde --> blonde --> auburn
3. Height?
Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
when i'm in NH
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
90% of the time. then my mother drinks and all bets are off.
3. Do you have any siblings?
aj and nicolle
Chapter 3: FAVORITE:
1. Ice Cream?
whatever the specialty is, or moose tracks
2. Season?
all four, otherwise i'd go crazy
3. Books?
eat, pray, love was the last good one i read. my friend leonard is up next. yay coop.
4. Animal?
PUPPIES. someone told me they were getting me a puppy for christmas
5. Food?
lobster and steak and a really good salad
6. Drink:
water or vodka tonics lately
8. Past Time?
talking about life
9. Pen color:
10. Favorite store:
i was entertained by frederick's yesterday. otherwise, it would depend on my mood.
11. Favorite Person(ppl)
Chapter 4: DO YOU
1. Write on your hand?
only in emergencies
2. Call people back?
if it's required, yes.
3. Believe in love?
yeah, i'm a sap.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
at school, closer to the wall (mostly for my own safety!).
Chapter 5: HAVE YOU EVER:
3. Had physical therapy?
yes, it was marvelous. i need to go back.
6. Overdosed on pain killers?
taken a few too many without anything else in my body, yeah. but not serious OD
7. Been stung by a bee?
oh yeah
8. Threw up in a doctors office?
not there, no
Chapter 6: Who/what was the last
1. Person you texted?
nick or maybe aj
3. Thing you touched?
other than my computer, probably my phone
4. Thing you said?..
"maybe if you stopped talking, you could hear the weather man" to my mom
5. What time is it?
10:15 pm
6. Person to talk to you on the phone?
nick, and will be the next too
7. Last book you read?
for school "the multitude: democracy and war in the age of empire"
for pleasure: just started my friend leonard
8. Last time you cleaned your room?
this morning