(no subject)

Apr 10, 2005 09:26


I FINALLY DID IT!!!! I'M EXCTATIC!!! I WAS, LIKE, CRYING ON THE PHONE WITH EVERYONE!! it's a really deep game..like, seriously..i was screaming..i had been playing it for 96:59:14!!! thats 2 weeks straight spread over a period of 2 years..lol i'm such a dork.
i have a mad craving to let this all out and it'll all be over once i am done..


"Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?"
brought to you by Quizilla

Riku's keyblade. Not the one he was suposed to get,
but the one he got instead. *pleese rate this
quiz!* :)

Would you be a keybalde master? and if so, who's keyblade would you wield? (Kingdom Hearts)
brought to you by Quizilla
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