thanx georgge

Mar 25, 2005 21:16

-- Full Name: katherine grace suzanne handler
-- Nicknames: wav
-- Birthdate: april 3rd
-- Birthplace: ajax ontario canada
-- Eye Color: bluegreen
-- Hair Color: "chestnut"
-- Zodiac Sign: aries

-- The shoes you wore today: red "led zeppelin" cons
-- Your eyes: theyre really intense
-- Your weakness: depression. and speople shitting on my faith.
-- Your fears: bad grades and no "heaven"
-- Your style: tre edgy

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase online: fuck and waaaaaaaaa
-- Your thoughts first waking up: fuck everything fricken idiots
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:
-- Your best physical feature: umm...everyone says my boobs but i take that as a HUGE i think my eyes
-- Your bedtime: 9
-- Your greatest accomplishment: i dont feel like saying
-- Your most missed memory: definetly the old avril

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: DONALD!!!!!!!
-- Single or group dates: single fricken idiot
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: ugh fricken idiot
-- Bras or Panties: what the fuck ....?

-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Take a shower everyday: sometimes i miss
-- Have a crush?: uhh no
-- Do you think you've been in love?: YES
-- Want to go to college: yes
-- Want to get married: yes!!!
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no fucking way fricken idiots
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: sometimes and sometimes i think of anorexia...
-- Get along with your parents: yes
-- Like thunderstorms: NO
-- Play an instrument: yes!

------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU--------------
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: no
-- Gone to the mall: yes
-- Eaten sushi: yes!!
-- Been on stage: yes!
-- Gone skating: yes!
-- Made homemade food: yes
-- Been in love: yes
-- dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: yeaaaaaano.

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
-- Flown on a plane: fricken idiots!!
-- Missed school because it was raining?: well thats a new one..
-- Cried during a movie?: YES!!! *big neon light* BIGGEST CRIER FRICKEN IDIOTS!!!
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: YES!! I LOVE YOU COSMO!!
-- Had an imaginary friend: yes!
-- Been on stage?:yes!
-- Cut your hair: ughh...
-- Had crush on a teacher?: noooo
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?
-- Gotten beaten up: yeah
-- Been in a fight: yeah

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: yes!!!
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2-paris charlotte delonge and avril [or ash] scar[lett]
-- How do you want to die?: of oldest age possible
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? designer/guitarist/artist/best bandmate ever
-- what country would you most like to visit?: canada again

-----------------OPPOSITE (or same) SEX------------------
-- Best eye/hair color: blue/ brown or blonde on SOME rockers
-- Best height: taller than me
-- Best weight: not too heavy...BUT NOT!!!
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
-- Number of CDs that I own: a metric ton or more
-- Number of piercings: 2-want 3 or 4
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 4
-- Number of scars on my body: no comment
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: a few

-- Shampoo: APPLE SHAMPOO!!!
-- Color:black/burgundy
-- Day/Night: night
-- Summer/Winter: summer
-- Fave Food: lamb leg and glazed devils food
-- Fave Movie: million dollar baby
----------------RIGHT NOW--------------
-- Wearing: napoleon tank[which i look like a swine in] and plaid rocker skirt which i look like a swan in
-- Drinking: digesting wine from 'shabaat' sp
-- Thinking about: lyrics to seasons and ghost of you by good charlotte[songs that MUST be heard by every mammal possessing a brain] and den threatening to throw me off a building with a clicky pencil in my ear
-- Listening to: my knuckles cracking [BUT NOT IN A DEN WAY]

-- Person you talked to on the phone: ev!!
-- Thing you ate: shoved-in-mouth-by-stupid-bandmate-which-i-love-very-much chocolate raspberry birthday cake[SO WALA!!]
-- Song you sang: ghost of you horribly
-- Person you gave the finger to: EV!!!!
-- Person you kissed: level[SO pimpin wav lMAO!!!]
-- Person who made you laugh: level[band]

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------
-- Yourself:ocassionally
-- Your friends: yes
-- Santa Claus: no he has a fat ass
-- Angels: yes
-- Ghosts: no but bad "spirits"
-- UFO's: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- God: absolutley with all my heart and soul

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: hell yes fricken idiot!!
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: sure
-- Do you like anyone? YES!!!
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: level
-- Are you close to any family member?: "brother abe" and mama and paw
-- Who do you like to hang around the most?: level
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