(no subject)

Jan 07, 2006 01:03

dec|de t0 update s|nce | have't |n a wh|le....Well thinggs have changes..I had so much fun over break it was unbelievable...but I guess it is good to be back && to see all my friends I haven't seen in a while...I got out of Mrs. Carico's class -thank god- , now I am in Mrs. BAker's word procseeing class && I dont understand anything at all!! But Iget Shonna to help me out with like everything I did the first day I was in thera and I have a feeling it will be like that for a while..yep I am perty sure it will be alot like that!!

But it does suck that I dont have lunch or any other classes with Brooke, so hopefully nexted year we will have all our classes together. I do have 3 classes with Candy tho, and have friends in every class i am in , so that kewl too!!!

Me && Chris might be start talking..yay i know we have been off && talkin for a while now.. but I really do like him && want to get to know him alot more than I do now....I hardly know anything about the boy,&& he is so nice , he talks so soft..But I have my eye on some one I think he likes me but i dont really know, but he did kiss me Thursday..so might go some where..the last time that hapened I got really disappointed, (hopefully it wont happen this time too) Over break I talk to my Trev HaMm...but he has a girl/friend so you know..And the 4th was his sweet 16..&& he didnt want it, cause he thinks he is getting to old!! She the boy is so crazy..Maybe that is why i like him so much!! Plus the fact that he is such a c0untry b0y && that is such aturn on for me!!

But I guess this is a good enuff update for now b|tches.......so eveyone better fuck|n c0mment on this update..b/c iuts all your getting for a l0ng ass time!!LAter..<33

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